Monday, February 9, 2015

KafkaMirror Fine Tuning Performance - Increasing Throughput

Recently my colleague(Debbie) and I were tasked to increase the data transfer rate between our data centers. We were seeing an increased amount of traffic everyday and with every passing day we had to move more data. Time is of essence here as we were getting very close to hitting our retention bytes and would have soon started to lose data. A quick search suggested some buffer size changes, but it did not help either. Although it was part of the solution, it was not complete. After some arduous effort we figured out a right set of changes to increase the transfer rate(really fast!!!). I thought this might be useful for someone who is looking to do the same. Below are the changes we had to do to achieve it:

I am not suggesting that the below settings are the exact configuration you should use, but this might be a good starting point. You might have to fine tune it based on resource availability, bandwidth between data centers...    

TCP Changes (Source Kafka Brokers, Kafka Mirror Box, Destination Kafka Brokers)
      % sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=67108864
      % sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=67108864
      % sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem='4096 87380 33554432'  
      % sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem='4096 65536 33554432'
      % sudo sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=30000
      % sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=4096
      % sudo sysctl -p (this to make sure these changes take effect)

Consumer Properties (Kafka Mirror Box)
      auto.offset.reset=smallest (if you want to start from beginning)

Producer Properties (Kafka Mirror Box)<IP>:<PORT>,<IP>:<PORT>,<IP>:<PORT>
      partitioner.class=<partitioner class>
      compression.codec=(Use it based on your requirement)
      request.required.acks=1,0,-1 (Use it based on your requirement)

With remote profiling we found if we set batch.num.messages as half the size of queue.buffering.max.messages along with the configurations that suited our setup, it made fetcher and producer threads active for most of the time.

Server Properties (Source Cluster Brokers, Destination Cluster Brokers)

Brokers need to be restarted for these changes to take effect.

JVM Options
      -Xmx 8G
      -Xms 2G

change the above parameters based on message size and the configured queue size.


Remote Profiling is also helpful to monitor the threads, memory…<PORT_NUMBER><BASED ON YOUR SETUP><BASED ON YOUR SETUP>

Changing to trace mode you can see the amount of data being read, queue size over the period of time…
     $KAFKA_HOME/config/ to TRACE

With these kind of settings(we use different settings on our production server), we have seen 50x-100x increase in data transfer rate.

Thanks to Debbie for her help and contribution in achieving these results.

Enjoy mirroring data!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Axis2 with Hibernate: org.hibernate.mappingnotfoundexception resource *.hbm.xml not found

Hello all,

I have been working with axis2 for last two weeks and trust me, it's a roller coaster ride for me. The amount of time I spent on figuring out the issues made me to write this blog. Hope someone finds this helpful.

While integrating axis2 with hibernate I encountered this error. org.hibernate.mappingnotfoundexception requested resource *.hbm.xml not found. I placed the *.hbm.xml files in all various possible locations but could not succeed. No matter where I put it I kept on getting the same error.


My Environment: Axis2(1.5.4), Tomcat 7, Java 6, Mac OS X

The solution for the problem is simple but the reason to find the solution took time because we have to look at the problem with a different perspective. The cause for this problem is not just the location but also the way we are trying to access it.

Step 1: Adding the resource files to appropriate location

All the mapping files should go into axis2/WEB-INF/classes (assuming you have webapp as axis2). I had a bunch of files to load so I made my *.hbm.xml files into a file named "mapping.jar" and placed it in the directory. check the below figure for reference

Step 2: Accessing the added resource files

This part is what I was missing for a long time. I thought adding files in the appropriate location will do but that's not the case. This I don't like about axis2. The problem is axis2 treats the resources under it's ambit are exclusively meant only for it. The problem comes when hibernate tries to locate these files under axis' location. It has no access to the location where the mapping files actually resides. For that we should we should build the session factory in the following fashion.

        //To load resource for third party residing in axis, in this case the third party is hibernate.
        Configuration config = new Configuration();
        MessageContext msgCtx = MessageContext.getCurrentMessageContext();
        AxisService myService = msgCtx.getAxisService();  
        config.addJar(new File(

addJar will add *.hbm.xml files.

With these, it started working :)
